This week marks the third week of the Milton DE Farms Market and the third Friday in a row its rained. This weeks market was canceled due to the rain leaving us with a fridge full of eggs and the question what to do with all the eggs. The ladies have been busy free ranging the farm and playing in all the puddles left from the rain. They welcomed 6 new chicks to the flock on Wednesday. This weeks eggs were hopefully going to end up in Mothers Day brunches all over Milton but with no market to sell them at and a full fridge I need to use them to make room for new eggs that will be laid this week. Fresh pasta, an angel food cake and of course perfect French omelets for Mothers Day should make room. |
Fresh Pasta
This recipe makes about 3 pounds of pasta. Don't worry about the large amount just portion it after you cut it and freeze for up to a month.
Angel Food Cake
This is a great cake to make when you have a lot of egg whites left. My fresh pasta recipe will leave you with the exact amount of egg whites to make this cake. Serve with fresh berries and whip cream.

In the bowl of a stand mixer add the egg whites and let stand for 30 minutes. In another bowl sift the powdered sugar and flour together. Add cream of tartar and vanilla to the egg whites and beat until soft peaks have formed. Gradually add the granulated sugar and beat until stiff peaks form. Sift in the powder sugar mixture in 4 additions folding in gently after each addition. Pour into an ungreased 10 inch tube pan. Gently cut through the batter with a knife to remove any large air pockets. Bake on the lowest rack in a 350 degree oven for 40 to 45 minutes or until the top springs back when lightly touched. Immediately invert cake and cool thoroughly in the pan. Loosen cake and remove from pan.
French Omelet
Delicious, custardy french omelets are best with the freshest eggs, which you can get every week at our stand.
Whisk the eggs thoroughly make sure to incorporate your whites and yolks until you’re left with an even mixture with no whites or yolk floating around. Heat a nonstick pan on medium to medium-low heat. Add 1 TBS butter to the pan, it shouldn’t make a sound. You want the butter to gently melt. When you start to see bubbles forming in the butter, add your eggs. You should not hear a sizzle when the eggs hit the pan. Season your omelet with kosher salt and pepper in the skillet as the eggs begin to cook. Start stirring your eggs as soon as you add them to the pan to make sure nothing is sticking to the bottom. So the eggs cook evenly, vigorously shake the pan in a circular motion as you stir. Scrape down the sides of the pan to make sure the sides do not overcook. This is a slow process take your time. Remove the pan from the heat and let it sit for one minute. Add your cheese in a line that runs the center of the omelet. Hold the pan at a slight angle, tilt the pan away from you and gently begin coaxing your omelet into a roll. Once you’ve made your first roll, add 1 Tbs of butter to the pan to loosen up the omelet. Once the omelet is rolled and all the way slide it on to the plate.